This week, we had the opportunity to talk to three experts, from three different cities, about how they are handling different challenges to help cities and communities during the Covid-19 pandemic.
From Israel, we had Dr. Hila Oren, CEO of the Tel Aviv Foundation. She told us the different programs of the foundation and Tel Aviv’s municipality to support the most affected communities, with financial support and specific programs for artists and low-income neighborhoods.
From the UK, we had Tom Nutley, CEO of Bico AI. His company provides business intelligence and AI analytics to shared mictomobility services, especially bike-share programs in different cities. He told us the challenges of adapting to a complete different level of usage and mobility in several cities.
And last, we had David Tena, from FabCafe Barcelona, telling us about how a network of volunteers have converted co-working spaces, 3D printers, and other manufacturing tools to provide hospitals and other healthcare facilities with protection equipment, tablets for connecting patients, and even ventilators.
You can watch the entire session below
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