Yes, it is a drone! Would you allow a small flying camera to wander around your house and send footage to the...
Municipalities now have access to tools to help them create new policies to reduce carbon emissions.
First-ever weekday hours available for popular, car-free outdoor dining initiative.
Portland’s city council unanimously approved prohibiting public and private facial recognition technology — giving the largest Oregon city the broadest such ban...
The value of transactions processed by smart checkout technologies, where a frictionless model replaces the fixed checkout process, will reach $387 billion...
This week, we had the opportunity to talk to three experts, from three different cities, about how they are handling different challenges...
Don’t delude yourself. The likelihood that we attend tech conferences this year in the same format as before are slim to none.
DARPA director Tony Tether came up with a novel idea: DARPA would launch a challenge, a series of races, for robot cars.
The organization made this unprecedented move as over 30 companies decided to pull out, including big names such as Amazon, Cisco, Deutsche...
Today more than three million people have taken to the streets in support of the Global Climate Strikes Once again youth organisers...