The European Council of ministers reversed the Commission decision to support the WiFi standard for vehicle to everything (V2X) communication in the...
The clock is ticking down to the biggest mobile technology show in the world. In less than two weeks Barcelona will receive...
Sweeping government measures intended to protect the environment often put an economic strain on the poor. When I moved to Latvia in...
The General Court of the European Union upholds action brought by cities: annuls in part the European Commission’s regulation setting excessively high...
Smart City Expo World Congress (SCEWC), the leading international event for cities, opened today under the theme Cities To Live In to...
AT&T sees connected cars as the operator’s most important IoT market. America’s biggest cellular carrier is currently adding 1.5 million new cars...
Mayors of Paris, Brussels, and Madrid fight for cleaner air for their citizens. Barcelona has not yet joined the plaintiffs. The European...
Technology, and the change of demographics in the twenty-first century, will make connected cars and automated mobility services the next big business...
Despite the fatal crash in Arizona and growing fears that taxi drivers will lose their livelihood, Juan Galiardo says he is optimistic...
A study published by researchers at the University of Michigan and the Ford Motor Innovation Center in February, shows that autonomous cars...